13rd December 2014:
Things are getting a little personal here. I've never thought that I would start a food blog anytime soon in my life. Well, It was only after a while of convincing from quite a lot of friends/contacts, the people around me who told me that I should start one and since my photos are really Awesome to them... so why not!? Haha. So that's how Foodwanderers started! And here's my very first post! =D

You would probably wonder why "Foodwanderers" has that "s" behind, it's because I'm gonna bring my friends/loved ones to makan with me while I do my food tasting! Sounds fun isn't it!? Some might love certain food more than myself, so yay! More inputs and opinions are GOOD!  

Updates, May 2015: Started Goods-wanderers
Popping some lifestyle content on "Goodswanderers" (new section of Foodwanderers)

Stay Tuned and follow for more!!!
Irene 🐷 🌈 Food & Lifestyle Blog 🎤🎬 🍡🍕🍖

InstagramFacebook | Telegram | Youtube | Tik Tok | Xiao Hong Shu | Lemon8 |

Read about my wanders:
Food Wanderings - http://sgfoodwanderers.blogspot.sg/
I explore the Good things - https://goods-wanderers.blogspot.sg/

Updates, July 2024: 
Fourth Feature on Radio Station CNA 938 as a Top 10 Singapore Food Blogger this Past Half Year, Read some fun facts here

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