Foodwanderers is experimenting with a new rating system that gives the reader more information about how good it is. The new Merlion bar replaced the Stars review bar previously used and these has been updated in the active blog post. It will now show you a score from 1 to 5 under every Food review blog post, using my personal language or rather Singlish. I will go through what it means in English here:

It's really that bad. So now you know - CMI means "Cannot Make It".

Meh - not interested, uninspired.

The every Singaporean language, "Ok Lor" in this case, simply means it's just average or just okay.

Hosay, sometimes also typed as Hoseh means very closely to the Melayu language "bagus" which means "Great" or indication of "Completely Good".

"Mai Tu Liao" means "Wait no more". It can also mean, Don't hold yourself back, just go for it.

This simply means I'm gonna wash my hands off this. Don't care what does not matters.

Meh - not interested, uninspired.

The every Singaporean language, "Ok Lor" in this case, simply means it's just average or just okay.

Emphasizing how GOOD it is. "Sibei" is a word that is even more than "very". Very good is not good enough, Sibei good is real good, super good very super good!

If you see this in the blog post, it supposes to mean you gotta try it at least once in your entire Lifetime. Worth the Try! If haven't try, please don't die.

"Jialat" literally means very bad, super bad, very super damn bad. Emphasizing how BAD it is. "Sibei" is a word that is even more than "very". Very bad is not bad enough, Sibei bad is really bad.

When there's no Service, it is as bad as doing Self-service.

Soso. indifferent; neither very good nor very bad.

This may be between personal and service. I like people who are not too proud and snobbish, serves confidently and professionally yet can be still tactful at the same time.

Emphasizing how GOOD it is. "Damn" word is normally used in a negative situation which also became a more impactful word to use in the super dramatic good situation. For example, Very good is not good enough, Damn good sounds more dramatically good, it's definitely must go and try!
/ You Really Need To Read Because Ratings Are So Flawed /
I write based on my own experience.
In any reviews, I feel What’s important in Blogs are what people are saying about their personal experiences. Of course, all F&B vendors would hope that they would be five stars. They earn it by serving each and every of their customer well and create quality food and environment for their customers. Disclaimer: Foodwanderers don't get pay to write any 5-star review.
In a sea of five-star ratings, the only way to differentiate is to read the nitty-gritty of each review. Disclaimer: My version of a five-star experience might not be what you resemble or consider to be a five-star experience.
The text on my blog is meant to be there to certainly help you to understand my experience with the F&B outlet, but with that, it’s impossible to glean quality without reading individual reviews details.
I may sometimes be invited to events or food tasting, to actually write up a review for them. The reviews made is my honest opinion.
/ Review first and ask questions later /
My Experience Stories always comes first before others would be curious to ask furthermore. There may be things I don't know about the F&B vendors too if you would like to share I welcome direct message on my Instagram and Facebook inbox. Feel free to contact to ask regards my Blog review.
'A mix of good and bad reviews demonstrates a brand’s transparency.'
/ Disclaimer /
This is a personal blog. The views and opinions expressed are of my own experience or the people who were on the same table as me. Reviews under Foodwanderers are my personal views.
My thoughts and opinions may change from time to time. Learning and developing my understanding of the little things in life or through blogging may change my perception slightly. This blog provides many of my memories and knowledge I learnt from many people as well as views and opinions that I hold at a particular point in time. I reserve the right to evolve my knowledge, thoughts, and perception over time and to change them without informing anyone.
My blog includes links to other sites/blogs operated by third parties. These are provided as a means of convenient access to you to the information/opinion contained therein. I am in no way responsible for the content of any other sites or any products or services that may be offered through other sites.